Inspired by my Readers

I am truly inspired by you readers. I love reading your comments and emails. If you do not Speak English, email me your questions. I will put them in google translator and send the answers back to you.


  1. What a nice post this is of yours.

    Well...I have some questions, if I may...does your husband speak Russian and is he originally from Russia? The reason I ask is because I *thought* I saw a post of yours saying your daughter speaks Russian but I could be mistaken.

    I was wondering if you will someday give us a full tour of all your tattoos and tell us the meanings behind each of them...I really enjoyed seeing and hearing about your butterfly caught in a web tattoo and wish to know about the others. Are some shown in the movie now covered-up?

    Also I do very much wish Mr. Okazaki would put together another Black Tar Heroin-The Dark End Of The Street movie, just using footage he shot but never used in the first you think that could ever happen? Does he read your blog?

    Also do you know anything regarding how Teresa is doing?

    1. My kids are in Russian preschool. Steven took left over footage and made a film about me an Ben. I have never seen it. I haven't seen Teresa in 10+ years.

    2. He knows about my blog. Not sure if he had read it

  2. What a wonderful photo! That's one seriously elegant feline you have there!

    1. His name is Smokey and he is mean to everyone except the family

  3. Watching that Theresa footage again just fills me with gratitude. I'm so grateful that I haven't had an abscess in over 12 years, I'm grateful that I no longer have to have $20 sexual encounters, I'm grateful to be living in a place with it's own bathroom and no blood spatters on the walls & ceiling, I'm grateful to have made it out of hell alive & mostly sane. I'd never even watched BTH before I started reading your blog. I was homeless & living it first hand at the time, and the hotels in which I sometimes stayed weren't the type that offerred free H.B.O. I knew it existed, but had totally forgotten about it, until your blog reminded me. Now that I have watched it, I think it's probably the best documentary I've seen on this subject. It hits really close to home for me, uncomfortably so, but serves as an excellent reminder of how fucked up things were when my life revolved around Black Tar Heroin. I have so much to be grateful for today! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I did not watch it for many years but I see bits and pieces and it gives me the creeps to see the conditions I existed in

  4. I'm not one of those folks in recovery that suffers from all that "euphoric recollection" jazz...When I think back, I remember quite vividly how miserable my day-to-day life was back then, how I used to believe that death was preferable over what I was calling living. Problem for me is that most of the time I chose NOT to think about how life used to be. I tend to act as if it never happened. The reason that's problematic for me is that every now & again I find myself being guilty of prejudice when it comes to judging people who are still "in the life". I get this false sense of being better, which I know is total bullshit. I forget how choice only has so much to do with becoming an addict. Then I watch a film like BTH and everything falls back into perspective. I'm so thankful that you're doing this blog. It's a great source of inspiration for people who's lives are being affected by substance abuse. I'm sure it gives a lot of people HOPE. Thanks for writing & I'll keep on reading!

    1. this blog is an outlet for a lot of people

    2. I hope it is as cathartic for you as it is for so many of your readers.

  5. Very interesting read, i am 50 and stopped smack and alcohol 5 years ago but still ended in hospital last year for 5 weeks in a coma 5 weeks as a cabbage 7 weeks with pneumonia brain infection, collapsed lung fluid on the other and diabetes but i fight on walk with a stick but not dead yet....

    1. wow you should write about it. i would love to hear that story


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