Things people do not tell you about heroin

1. Chinga babies- after you have been hooked on opiates for any period of time, you can no longer poop well on your own. When you enter a period of sickness, you may give "birth" to a chinga baby. This is when you suddenly have to poop and an enormous hard poop the length of your colon decides to come out an an inopportune time tearing apart your booty. 

2. Coagulated blood hits- when you cannot find a vein, you may put a syringe clogged with blood and dope to the side. At some later time, a few hours or even a day down the road, you may rethink that hit. I have taken the liquid out, picked out the clots and stuck that right back in my arm. I also did a few of Ben's coagulated blood hits. Ahhh love! 

3. Impotence- Shhh. It's a secret unless you have ever fucked a male addict. After awhile, things do not work in the nether regions. Unless they take a hit of crack or speed. Then, he is too busy looking for white specs on the carpet to get busy. 

4. No periods. Yes ladies, your period may stop. Or you thought it stopped but you actually are pregnant but did not know because you have not had a period. 

5. The first one after rehab is always free.

Get tested for everything readers. I did. 


  1. Real Shit (pun intended LOL)

  2. Lol! Which of these puts you off the most??

  3. OMG!... "Chinga babies" were the worst! It was like pushing out a bowling pin.

    1. I think it is something opiate users relate to but is rarely talked about

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When I worked at the methadone clinic, the doctor had some limited success with putting people on extremely low doses of cogenten (I'm not sure on the spelling) because they would be sweating sitting still. Instead of a laxative, you can take almost daily doses of colace or generic over the counter stuff. They are essentially the same ingredients as soap. Laxatives have stimulants which cause problems if used frequently

    2. In fairness i once got an impacted poop from eating too much meat on holiday. It was still horrendously painful!

    3. I find these posts hilarious.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. this is my first post - almost everyone here is so honest and forthcoming - I really appreciate it!
      Just wanted to send you my warmest wishes and loving "vibes", Julie, as you take the next step towards healing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Have you ever had to pull the poop out of your but?? God the only way it would come out.

    1. I have....more than once..ugh! And was STUCK and IS the only way it was comin out.. I am now traumatised and taking a shit is now a terrifying thing for me heh

    2. OMG yess!! More than once! Its horrible! Worse than birth, and I have 3 kids! I had to wet my finger, like lube it up and pull out the pool. But majority of the time after I got out a few hard balls, the poop was easier to come and I didn't have to push really. But man... Those freaking Chinga babies, **ouch**

    3. holy crap i was on the toilet for nearly two hours in intense pain, i had to pull it out (with toilet paper not my bare hands) to even get it started! i wasnt sick but i was sweating and crying. i now know what its like to give birth.

    4. Holy shit ROFL this is hilarious. Yes pretty sure we have all pulled it out one wag or another. I would steal lube from the store lube up my asshole and let a rip. Lube is a godsend for chinga babies! I promise. Before I found lube tho there was a time I held it in for weeks and when it was time I ended uo having to go into the bathtub turn the water on hot and stick my ass up in the air to the bathtub faucet to let hot water go up NY ass to give myself a homemade enema basically and curled in a ball in the bathtub and just shit right there it was HORRIBLE

  8. I completely understand what your all going through I stopped opiates after 5 years of doing 15 a215 a day or some heroin never shot up I'm scared of needles but besides that suboxone withdrawals are worse than anything I was sick for 24 days straight and I mean dieing I had restless leg syndrome so bad that I would start screaming bloody murder and crying ... My thoughts till his day aren't correct that drug changed my brain chemistry and it's almost a year and half later and I'm still talking about beating something so hard to conquer but I did and anyone can because it's all in your mind !!! Be strong talk to people that will tell u postive things and make sure you never ever ever just say ill just try some drugs (pills and or heroin) because you will and I promise you will be using again and get back into the same swing of things ... But that all is a part of recovering so do not think it's the end if you get clean then use because next time you get clean it'll be the last time your clean and they'll be no looking back !! Good luck and my prayers are with anyone in pain and thinking all crazy from opiate W/D

  9. I'm currently on the pot can't shit for the life of me.. so I took a syringe full of my favorite heroin "White China ". (For the pain man....).Anyways I also just injected some depository supposed to help me with diarrhea .... Never thought diarrhea would be such a blessing.. oh dear Lord .. it would be awesome if you could just send me a sign .... Or something ... Ehhhhhhh... .. ..ehhhh..... . .. oh. WHOA! OMG here it comes !!. The sign! Oh sweet jesus.. ! .... Oh and nothing ... Still can't go. Wtf is going on.. this is how I'm going to die isn't it.

    1. Well, that is how Elvis died....

    2. If you gotta poop while you're high, its not gonna happen. You"re more likely to pop a blood vessle. It relaxes the muscles in your stomache to the point where it may feel like you're phshing but you're not.

  10. The thing about pooping is soooo true, even on suboxone

  11. The cold sweats are the worst. Fucking hurts.

    1. Cold and hot sweats- like being your own microclimate

  12. To help you use the bathroom...use Miralax. It works WONDERS...for me at least.

  13. I had to go on xmas day to the hospital and get a finger up my butt and it was not softly done. They said we know who was bad and got coal in their stocking and that 4 people that day came in for the same thing. I used an enema from the store after coming close to having that encounter again after trying magnesium citrate and suppositories that weren't working I also consumed too much benefiber and got really bloated... but the enema was a savior I have been pretty regular since using it!!

  14. Everyone is talkin about shittin lol which I have had the same issue. But my main question is.... Why or what causes women to not have or get a period during herion use?

    1. From jacked up hormones and low body fat. The same thing happens to marathon runners

  15. so question tracey, i stopped my h use almost 2 months to the date and i haven't had my period for 2 months and I'm not pregnant do you have any ideas about that maybe?

    1. Are you drinking a lot of caffeine? Are you eating healthy foods? Being underweight or exercising a lot can be a factor. Stress is another one.

  16. As an active user for almost 17 yrs I still poop hard balls its like its a normal thing even of I take fiber pills to poop daily its still hard .but during the week I don't poo poo till the weekend then Im good 4 days but when its time to poop its so big it hurts n I always have blood on my stool why?? Ive learned to live with still being an active user but IV had so many jobs letting me go its not funny to support this habit

  17. I just started useung lube recently omg idk how I ever shit before , I just pulled one out the size of a soda can not 2 hours ago my ass is still sore

  18. I am addicted to laxtives, dulcolax, 2 a day, extra strength sennakot, 2 a day, and I'm still lucky if I can do a shit in the morning..
    I worry what this is doing to my bowels, I've heard things like that prolonged laxative use can make your bowels lazy and fuck them up forgood..
    Also, I've gotta steal them coz they're so bloody expensive, and I will get caught eventually , I've been getting away with it for so long..
    I used to get movicol of the doctors, they worked wonders, but at the moment I'm kidding on I'm not using coz I'm wanting off my meth script, I'm down to 3ml (It doesn't work for me, it's just another habit..)
    I've been using for 20 odd years, and I've stuck my finger up my backside so many times its pretty normal to me now lol
    I wish I had a bath and could do the enema thing one of the posters was talking about, I've only got a shower though, maybe I could get the shower head off it and use the hose???Oh yeah, I haven't had a period for about 6 years solid now either, before that for about 10 years, then I got the jail for a year and they came back with a vengeange..
    Weird thing is, when I was working as a prostitute I did get them!! So it's definitely something to do with hormones..!

    1. I think if you drink some mag citrate eveey day it can help. It is relatively inexpensive too

  19. Since it's been brought up I must at this time share my experience of bowel movements over the 15 year period I was on heroin, before that methadone and before that dialadid or any opiate pill I could get my hands on.
    I am a man. As many of you know, being a full time junky needle in the arm at first wake and many in-between before your nite cap to sleep can go on for days if you abuse meth also like I did.
    Anyway, I've dealt with constipation but on different levels. But all constipation was on the defcon level in which I wouldn't dare use a toilet at a family members house, my significant other, and even in my own building, I'd have to go use the guest restroom (before I was homeless) and ONLY toilets with that industrial level flush would do and the level of defcon were so high at times that when homeless, no toilet would have flushed or been able to take what I put in there.
    Like I said before, they were all defcon level shots but some where of the variety of no shit for weeks, then when I felt I had to, I had to find a restroom to accommodate and the terrorist level highest level of heroin impacted shit was the closest thing I could compare to giving birth.
    I will never forget hours on the toilet, legs and ankles off the floor with both arms wrapped up under my knees and interlocking my fingers as I would squeeze I'm a rocking motion with everything I had to give literally sweating and tears running down my face with each "push" needing a few moments to reposition, lift my legs off the ground rocking back and squeezing as hard as I possible could as I wedged forward till my feet touched the ground and there have been times that I've repeated this for 45mins to an hour and mind you, when your asshole is gaping the size of literal arm wrapped around a dry turd that has no form of lubrication but your own blood ( which doesn't happen to this very end ) it is a relief in which I have no words to describe, that final rocking motion, the eyes closed squeltch/back of the throat tickle all the effort push that u have in you and suddenly its out and followed by what could closely mimic a placenta like a literal childbirth only it's an impacted shit followed by a gush of blood and some clear fluid and u sit there for awhile just completely and utterly devastated and motionless and powerless from losing and using all your might to push that thing out. All you hear is Dripping under you (because you have successfully ripped your ass open, it remains gaped until u wipe and even after that it's nothing but blood and when you are finished wiping, you get a paper towel or a large swath of toilet paper and place it in between your cheeks so it can soak up the blood as you stand up because your ass will leak blood and need many paper towels or toilet paper replacements or next thing u know, ppl will be looking at you funny since you're a male and your pants are bloody red right where your hole is.
    Finally, there is no chance of flushing this thing. You just went thru labor and left a shit with the consistency and hardness of a baseball bat, the shape of two or other times close to three foster sized Bearcats in the toilet and it is so massive and formidable that it Is well out of water and practically able to be side eyed protrusion if you were to look at it from an angle. But the water isn't shit water it's full red. You do the best you can knowing it won't flush to atleast cover it wirh toilet paper and u wait for the perfect time to leave the bathroom praying to God nobody is able to connect that beast in the toilet bowl to you.
    As much as you are drained, you have this look and feeling that you just had the most amazing orgasm of your life from the relief of getting that thing out of you. But like I mentioned before, that's only half the battle. The war rages on for days from that torn ass of yours literally leaking and if you don't have some5hing there to catch the leak, a mixture of blood, clear liquid, and yes shit will be advertised on your pants and leak right thru.
    Getting it out is an experience in itself

  20. I am the one who wrote about my defcon level movements. I wanted to say I'm 3 years clean now. I also want to bring attention since I found this blog and brought up the subject of defcon shots which I've never ever shared before but felt comfortable since it's explained here, I thought I'd also say that I too did blood shots but sadly in my deepest moments of addiction did far worse. More then once I didn't have water to cook my tar so u used my own urine. I know I could never share this with anyone and not be laughed at but only true addicts will understand. I was hopeless. Living on the sidewalk and stealing from target to buy drugs and I did this every single day and finally went to prison. I got clean and remain clean but on sunoxkne. I'm 36, I have to get IV medication in the neck in emergencies that require I've fluids because I've ruined my veins from arms to toes nothing but scars. The final years of my addiction was simply muscling my shots which numerous times got infected since I used both heroin and ice intramuscular (which burbs like hell) and my left arm got so infected u nearly lost it. Had to go to surgery and have a 10 inch by two inch square on my shoulder. Anyway, my point is that I'm grateful to be alive but sad now because my beautiful smile is gone, my arms and legs are scarred and drugs wasted away my handsome Ness. Just felt this was a place a safe space to tell my story. Thank you


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