
A reader generously provided the funds for purchase of a chrome book. To celebrate their generosity, I am going to set up times in August to webchat and Facebook or IM chat with you readers. I will make times available for you on a first come, first served basis. You can ask me addiction or Black Tar Heroin related questions. I should be able to do ten of these chat sessions so be on the look out for details.

The picture is another in my urban camping series. 


  1. Just wondering, do you ask people's permission before you photograph their camps/heroin huts?

    1. I do not. I make sure you can not tell who the people are from the pics. Interacting with some of these people could be quite dangerous for me. At this one, a person was shooting up while I was walking by the spot. I'm not going out of my way to snap pics. These are all to and from work assignments. I think it's important to see how people live. This was how I lived for six years

  2. WOW, that was so very nice of the person to do that! Sooooo NICE! Did you get a Samsung Chromebook or an Acer Chromebook?

  3. Thanks for replying. Your photographs are great they capture lives many people dont get to see. I asked because I was interested in how you interacted with the people in your photos. It seems they must be ignored by a lot of people if theyre just allowed to set up camp like that. I think where im from homelessness is less visible.

    1. I do interact with many homeless people but most of these are captured when people are still sleeping. In fact, a guy who used to live in this encampment used to have a massive crush on me after I bought him lunch one day with a chocolate chip cookie. He was up for days and I sat and talked to him. He was 100% not interested in recovery or using condoms which were some of the things I offered to help him with at the time. I suspect he is in jail.


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