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  1. Thank you, I'm so excited to find your blog.
    I was thinking what would make an interesting blog entry sometime would be to describe exactly what it feels like to inject heroin and use other drugs, for those of us who have never tried any of them.

    1. I will consider it although there is a story "the first time" in the archive

    2. Oh thank you, I'll definitely go read that.

  2. I was also thinking a post about your tattoos and the meanings behind them would be an interesting topic sometime. I was wondering if Ben from the movie did your original tattoos and did you decide to later get them covered-up? What were they pictures of? Did one show a viking or am I mistaken? What do they show, now?

    1. BEN did not do tattoos. I had a large scar in the middle of one of my tattoo. I had the tattoo redone and the scar covered up

    2. OH Ok...so no tattoos done by Ben. Thanks.

  3. Slightly voyeuristic? :/ wouldn't you just want to read what comes from the heart...

    1. I write from stream of conciousness and put very little planning into what I am writing for the day. I think describing the drug experience is what got me into drugs in the first place so I will pass.


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