The DOPE Project (Drug Overdose Prevention and Education)

Please check out the DOPE Project on facebook for more information on innovative programs to prevent overdose. I worked there for three years providing drug overdose information and naloxone for drug users. These programs save lives. Naloxone is a drug that can be quickly administered to reverse an opiate overdose. I am attaching link to the dope project and an overdose prevention video I was a part of many years ago.     
Overdose prevention video I participated in


  1. Awesome. Watching this video you're in, right now. I am wondering if the piece you were in some time ago is also somewhere online...the one about "John School"...I believe during your talk in that, you told those men they "were part of the system that kept you down."...

  2. Who was Kai Adame in that video?

    1. Is that the young kid with the dreads? One of the kids from the video died of an overdose. When they found him, he had the naloxone w him. He had gone back to his parents died in the bathroom there

    2. How terrible. And I wish they would have clearly explained who that was. I too was wondering if it was the kid with the dreads. I couldn't figure out if they were talking about somebody who definitely appeared in the video or somebody who did not, but they still wanted to mention the person.

  3. Yes, Kai was the young guy with the dreads. How sad that although he had the Narcan, there was no one to administer it to him in his time of need. You are always taking a huge risk IV 'fixing' in isolation, especially as a Heroin user. You never can tell the drug's potency without trying it first, and all it takes is getting your hands on something stronger than usual once for you to cross the line from getting well to overdosing. It's really a shame that the many people who don't understand the disease of addiction feel that the lives of the addicted are not worth saving. I'm so blessed to have survived my addiction, period, and even more so to have made it through without ever having overdosed or contracting any IV drug user-typical diseases such as Hep C or HIV. God bless addicts everywhere, clean or addicted. Your lives are valuable. Don't ever abandon hope!

  4. Kai, Andrew was his real name, was a great kid. He was a great kid who was caught in his addiction. He died in his uncles basement of an overdose. He had Narcan with him....He will be missed and his loss has left a huge hole in his families heart. His brother has never been the same since he passed.

    1. thanks for filling in the details. I honestly couldn't remember them

  5. Hi, Tracey. I am not an addict, but I am an alcoholic who is slowly putting together many sober days. This upsets me so. Kai looks so sweet and is so articulate and compassionate. I never met him and yet I am so distraught at his death. I hope I can find a way to help. I live in Richmond, Virginia. God, i have seen so many beautiful people, many of whom are no longer alive, watching BTH and reading your blog. I had no idea how high the death rate is. Thank you for writing. I heard you on Fresh Air this week. Thanks for opening my eyes to this huge problem. I don't think heroin or alcohol addiction are dissimilar.


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