The drug using sex worker and "me too"

I was a sex worker. When I say “Me too” does that count? Am I a good enough victim in that narrative. When you are a sex worker, the vast majority of people don’t believe you can be raped. When you are a sex worker, the people you are supposed to turn to for support are the same people pushing their badge to the side trying to get freebies. I got dropped off on the side of the road in the middle of the warehouse district because I said “take me to jail” rather than providing “something as a public service”

When you are a drug dependent sex worker, the landscape is even more bleak. Taken to jail on a friday for a misdeameanor case when there is no court until Monday as a form of punishment. Sitting in a pool of your own vomit with no medical care available since you have not been processed. No regular bed, just a bench in a holding tank for two days. Just anyone can come up and grab my pussy because you “can’t rape the willing”. Watching the connection scurry everyone away because he EXPECTS he is going to get his dick sucked despite the fact I clearly came with my money. Being brought to the dopeman by male “friends”, not realizing I had been sold out. At least he had the decency to wait down stairs to see if I had a clean rig when “it” was done.

None of these stories matter though. Or do they? No one wants to talk to us about them. But I do. No one wants to care about a dope fiend who nearly got murdered when she fought off her rapists. We aren't disposable. Because I am not them, she is not me, I am not that addicted. I am a “me too”. I am a good victim. Sex workers are us. People on tinder, fucking for a free dinner.

Hate mail in 3, 2, 1...


  1. If course you count. We all count.

  2. you matter, tracey. even more so because you've struggled so much, so you deserve to free your demons & live out a happy life<3

  3. That was really powerful. Thank you.

  4. You are a valuable person, and you have all my love.

  5. Of course you count. I count... We ALL count

  6. Thank you for this. Your story and emotions are valid. I'm sorry for all those who have violated you. I hope you have found solace in knowing your strength, given that you've survived what can often be a very dark world.

  7. Well...this post certainly struck some cords with me. Firstly, I'm speaking from a canadian (lower case is intentional) point of view. We have a Federal police force here, the RCMP, which I find to be decent folk. We also have city police, and they will vary. Victoria PD I found good. But the Ottawa Police are scum. No better way to describe them. They lie, steal, bear false witness...scum. They abuse their power, and do the kind of things you are saying.

  8. I used to be a junkie sex worker. I was raped by my heroin dealer while working. You have no idea what it means to me to know I’m not alone & my pain counts.


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