Promises Made and Promises Broken

I am obsessed with losing you. I am obsessed with your using.
I am obsessed by all the signs and flags and flares that were thrown up that I ignored in my almost selfish pursuit of happiness. It was too much to think that I could find another person that made me laugh that could be “normal”. I misread all the cues. I am now thinking about heroin again. Not thinking about using it. There were silent promises made and broken on a daily basis.

I dismissed myself in this process. As I received a steady diet of half truths, I settled into the idea that there must be something wrong- me of course. I thought it was me! How unsettling that is in retrospect. I blamed myself for your problems. I have become truly sick again. I have become immersed in the language and the mannerisms of a using addict believing them when I should be strong enough to recognize.

Do I enjoy the familiarity this scenario brings? The cryptic messages my brain feeds me screening out moments of truth? I have skated in this direction for many years. I have just never dove headfirst into the pool without checking the depth of the water. That water is all the tears I have cried over the past few weeks trying to figure out how I could get in this place.

Why in the fuck do I even care. Why the fuck do I keep going over this over and over again? I am so fucking mad at myself for getting caught in this fucking bear trap. Do I keep pulling at myself until I get ripped apart or do I try to strategize my great escape. These feelings are totally out of place in the fabric of my life. Who fucking cares right. Just let this go.

Like a tragic comedy, I hear the chorus inside my head telling me that something was amiss. You went back to it. While I raised my hand at the meeting, you pushed the plunger deeper into my heart. While I tried to be well, you wanted to get well. I am no better than you. We are absolutely the same person. We are both dying. The exception is that I am dying on the inside and you are waiting for the day you don't wake up.

Down, down, down. Waiting for the phone to light up. A text that tells me what to feel. I'll be there in thirty minutes. It is over, all over, again.


  1. Damn that hit home at this very moment. Phone stuck in suspended animation and motionless....the waiting game.

  2. Good stuff Tracy.

    To feel "normal". Well, If I can equate that to feeling like your a normal person. Yes, you are. A normal person, with faults. We ALL have faults Tracy. As I do. No one is perfect. Having faults is what makes us human.

  3. I am in the middle of a similar situation. I KNOW I mean how can I not? But I continue to polish my rose colored glasses and pretend. Pretend your not lying, pretend like I don't know. I am falling into the spiral. I'm going to "bad" places to search for you, I'm also constantly clutching a phone waiting for THAT call. I hope I'm strong enough to save us both so to speak but if you continue to climb lower and lower I'll have to let go and save myself.


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