Black Tar Heroin DVD giveaway

I am giving away two DVDs of the movie. You cannot buy this anywhere. To enter, leave a comment on how this movie impacted your life. I will number the entries and have two picked at random. If you are concerned about privacy, create an account to respond to the posting because the posting will not be private. 


  1. this movie gives me inspiration and i love sharing it with friends to help them be insired too!!!! you can just call me k thankyou!!!!!!

  2. Tracey, you are a saved soul given a second chance, not many are lucky to break free from the life and keep it going like you have....please continue to show folks that it IS possible, no matter how hard it may seem. YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO MANY...#addictsneedheroestoo. JF

  3. I accidentally erased this comment-0 This movie impacted my life by scaring me out of running way to SF. I'm from Modesto Ca. I was a run away that slept in abandon buildings and couch surfed. When I saw the movie, my dreams of going to SF were squashed. It didn't look as fun as I thought it would be. At least in a smaller place like Modesto, the older junkies looked out for me. Somewhat cared about me as much as junkies can.

  4. I have to admit I used to think of heroin as the end of the line for addicts who had already done everything else, I never realized how many people became addicted just by dabbling with it.

  5. I came across BTH by accident on YouTube. The more I watched it the more I became interested in the people being filmed. I found Tracey's blog at a vulnerable time in my life. My mother was dying of terminal cancer, and many nights I would read Tracey's blog while holding her hand waiting for the Ativan/morphine to kick in so she could sleep. After mom died, I took to using her leftover pain meds. That's when the movie became a sign of what I could be, and Tracey's blog an inspiration that gave me hope I could win. I still struggle with addiction, just like the people in BTH. Sometimes I win, sometimes the addiction does. I see Tracey as she was in the movie and how she is today. I am so grateful for Tracey's blog, it gives me hope

    1. I agree, sometimes I win, sometimes the addiction does. Being honest with ourselves is a good step. Always have hope that tomorrow will be better.

    2. email me for a dvd

  6. I saw the movie when I was in my late teens. As shallow as it was, I had a very low view of addicts on the streets and had subconsciously dehumanized them. I placed their identity in them being "addicts" or "homeless." This film brought me to realize the humanity in those individuals. It made me realize they were people with dreams and aspirations and it became clearer to me how people went from being someone's child to an individual struggling with addiction that was resulting in self deprecating actions they also would have never fathomed doing in order to get by. They no longer were just simply "addicts." Rather, they were "[Insert name here] who is struggling with an addiction." I no longer placed their identity in their struggle but rather on who they were as a person. The movie really humbled me. It also moved me to want to help and give back so I then spent the next four years volunteering at a 12 step program so I could give back and get to know these individuals in a very personal, sincere way.

  7. Hi Tracey.

    I am not interested in winning a DVD . I will gladly pay you whatever the going rate is for it.

    This film is the first and only one I have seen about the X generation from their point of view. It was much like 'Street Smart' but BTH was about our generation in our early to mid twenties . Something I could relate to. In spite of the fact I never did heroin or a needle, the way you guys acted was exactly the same way I did smoking my crack. I honestly felt like I was back on the street again. Reliving the insanity of my addiction through yours was a tonic to me . I felt a shower of gratitude for the blessings I have in my life.


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