Contact Me

Contact Me!  Chit Chat traceyh415 on instagram


  1. Replies
    1. The book is being released as an ebook later this month on Amazon. You can buy a linki to the book or a PDF from me. You can then read the PDF on your reader. The paper books are far off. I am only doing ebooks for awhile because I am still holding out hope I can get a publisher. Email me or click on the gmail link above.

    2. Hi Tracey, Please let me know how to obtain your ebook or pdf. I am interested to buy it.

    3. My paypal is I am asking $10-$20 sliding scale (or more of course if you want to contribute to my work). Then email me for the PDF. Thank you so much :)

  2. Tracey,

    I sent you an email offering my professional expertise to help with your project. I also just wanted to say that I know a lot of nonfiction publishing venues and can definitely assist you in finding a home for the manuscript once it's ready.

    One thing to consider is that it would greatly behoove you to published the individual pieces/stories/chapters of the book in literary journals and zines, which I can help with as well. The key is building up the credibility of the material, which you've also been doing wonderfully on your blog. This is often a prerequisite for most publishers who will take serious look at a collection like this.

    Anyway, I can't wait to hear back from you by email! Be well, and keep up the good work!

    -Daniel Porder


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