Nothing to see here.
"What are you going to do about that thing? he asks. I pull up my shorts. "I am going to drain it." I tell him. He gives me a look of feigned disgust. This isn't his first time at the junkie rodeo. "Right here?" he asks. I start looking for a good spot to poke. "yes," I tell him "right here." The question was pretty ridiculous. Where else am I going to go to get my leg sliced open on a Sunday. There is no way in hell I am traveling all the way out to San Francisco General to get this cut open. After waiting dopeless for 6-8 hours for them to clear gunshot victims, they would finally get some medical resident to hack away at me while they generously provided me with MAYBE 10mg of methadone to tie me over. I can't do it. I couldn't hop the Muni to make it there even if I tried. Overnight, my knee and began to swell to the point that my appendage looks like a hot, red tree trunk. I no longer have a knee. I just have a single ...